Patch 2.1!!!! The very
first patch for FFXIV: A Realm Reborn!
every little thing my wife and I whined about got fixed! To get my point further
across, we care about details down to the weathering on armor, cuts in clothes
and Eorzean star allocation, not to mention how much I care about gameplay
mechanics and lack of variety in apparel so this is a great fudging step in the
right direction!
I'll start by listing the
higher priority fixes and new features implemented in this patch.
Alright, they added new story
quests. I haven't personally finished the story yet (I like to take my sweet
time) but it sure is nice to have an extended story to play later on.
They added two new Trials
(which are Primal battles), Good King Moggle Mog XII and the destroyer of
worlds...Ultima Weapon! I was seriously scared when I saw Ultima, I was like
"oh no there is no way in hell we are fighting this cheat of a boss!"
So! Right now I'm all excited and pumped up to fight it and make sure it’s properly
acquainted with either my shield or axe.

As for FFXIV 1.0
veterans, I've got awesome news!
awesome and his smile would bring the bane of Ultima Weapon to a halt! I
can't wait to meet him again, adding the
realism of my Hyuran blood rather than the cuteness of old Cheese-kun.
There will also be a new dungeon added and two new difficulties for two
old dungeons. The new dungeon is called Pharos Sirius, at the end of which we'll face the song that controls the dead that lay beneath old
Limsa Lominsa. I'll let you guess who the boss is. I'll just give one hint...UMBRA!!! As for the two dungeons with new hard modes, they are
Copperbell Mines and Haukke Manor.
PVP players and supporters, rejoice! Wolves' Den will be up
in few hours. Fight your friends, fight your blacklisted players or whatever and just let
off some long pent up rage in the Arena. Along with the PVP area, there will be PVP-exclusive equipment you can only get with designated points collected
from your battles. This new currency will also buy you exclusive skills that
can only used in the PVP area. Seeing all these new skills gave me a huge GOTTA-CATCH-EM-ALL urge since there are so many of them. I'm not too big on PVP but I support such sport for the challenge of it, but play nice
people. Not everyone can afford to play ALL the time and get competent enough gear ;) (PVE players should have more support too!)
There will be a new kind of quests called Beast Tribe Quests. It'll be divided into two kinds, daily and main quests. Each tribe has a main
storyline quest and daily quests which are like regular levequests but limited to 6 a day (3 from each tribe). Each tribe will also have a reputation gauge that
you can fill up doing these daily quests.
When you increase your reputation with a tribe, you can gain access to tribe vendors; you'll get minions for each tribe, a mount, and furnishings for the new housing system, which I'll talk about iiiiin right about now!
HOUSING SYSTEM!! Yaaaaaaaaaay! we can have a house! if you can't
buy one in real life, you can always buy one in Eorzea! But there's a catch!
you can't get your OWN house, it'll be more like a communal Free Company fraternity/sorority affair, so
freelancers! horde around and join a Free Company! First you'll have to buy a
plot, then you can build a house. There will be ranks to both plots and houses; small, medium and large houses on 1 to 5 star plots. I guess the stars indicate the quality factor of the plot, from a poor view to
waterfalls and spectacular scenery. Each group of servers will have different
prices for plots and houses; Legacy servers will have the highest prices since FFXIV 1.0
characters already had the time to accumulate a lot of Gil. Quite fair, I'd say.
There will be a new system for the Duty finder, dubbed the Duty Roulette, which lets you join a random Duty with the added bonus of increased EXP,
more drops and rewards and Allagan Tomestones. This is most likely for bored
people who want to help others in their free time.
The Treasure Hunt system is implemented too, which is a feature exclusively for disciples of the land. When you mine, for example, occasionally you'll come across an item
called Timeworn Map. Get it and it'll guide you to a certain
area in which you'll find the treasure. It'll have a lot of EXP and nice

And finally! *drum roll*......Sorting is available!!! you can finally sort
your items automatically! Just right-click an item, click sort and, lo and behold, all your items are *gasp* fudging sorted! It's really great news for disciples of hand. also the Lightning Strikes event gear can
be deposited into your Armoire, there won't be circles under your target when
you hide the UI for screenshots, which is pretty annoying, guildleves have an increase in EXP, Gil and rewards, many skills have been buffed for some classes and nerfed for others, like White Mages... Seriously, they're the most overlooked class in the game. They are
treated unfairly to a ridiculous extent. It's a class specifically meant for healing and what few attacking skills they have got nerfed. Plus, their MP consumption is
just...sad. I just hope they cut them more slack in upcoming patches. Just a
quick suggestion. Just like how Black Mages are specialized in DPS and they have all their skill properly facilitating the process of dealing proper powerful damage, White Mages should have their full
rights as healers!
There are a LOT more of details on the 2.1 changes but I listed what I could remember from the wall of news. I hope to see
everyone soon once the patch is done, and have great time together in Eorzea,
Rock on people!!!!