Hey guys! Nintendo Direct had paid us a visit few days ago and man was it full of surprises. It was a great start for the year for videogames and really sad for our wallets.
I will divide the news into four posts. starting with Hardware updates, 3DS games, Wii U games and lastly Amiibo news.
Hardware updates

It has finally been announced!!! "new" 3DS!!!! Do I see a red "new" 3DS XL?! oh yes! My money will go right to that beauty! but one thing you'll notice... Nintendo of America aren't releasing the normal "new' 3DS. It is such a shame because I was looking forward to carrying two "new" 3DS-es, not an XL version. It is a personal opinion since I like to carry a lot of portable devices with me and I would like them to be small. nonetheless I will get the XL version this time. since it is Red and I am a sucker for white and red colours.
If you are wondering what's new in this "new" 3DS, please check out my earlier post about the "new" 3DS and it's new features!
Though our European friends will have nice new cover plates for the "new" 3DS and some of them seem to be missing from the JP versions. which means they are exclusive to the European region! but what I like about hardware is that it is never region locked. so anyone who has a "new" 3DS would be able to get those cover plates and attach them to their "new" 3DS! oh yes I am getting those black and white Monster Hunter 4 cover plates!
Few of these cover plates will arrive in Japan as well but they will be released on the February 14th 2015.
To make the news ever happier and more fan-paced. Nintendo have announced two limited edition "new" 3DS XL for two most of the popular series in videogaming!
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Rejoice everyone for this is a great day! or shall we say two days since the Japanese version will be released on February 14th 2015. people who are in a relationship in Japan you know what to get your lover in such a lovely Valentine day. but sadly in the US the Majora's mask limited edition has been sold out in just 15 minutes after the Nintendo Direct presentation!! so hopefully Nintendo will add more of those limited edition. It's funny how "Limited edition" has lost it's value in the videogaming industry, right? I have no information if the European version is sold out yet or not, but grab yours before it gets sold out!
Nintendo of Japan haven't forgotten about the 3DS/3DSXL-LL/2DS users who won't get the "new" version of 3DS. They have announced that they will release a NFC Adapter in summer 2015. Nintendo haven't announced the price but I assume it'd be worth around 2000Yen or something like that. here is a picture.
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